Friday, April 6, 2007

Yesterday My First Born Turned 15 :o{

I found this Poem and I thought it sounds right for Olive_12.

This is Olive_12 in her Daddy's arms, 1 day old

First Born
You are a special child
Our first born child so sweet.
God made the first born children special
And so wonderfully unique!

He chose for us a first born child
That he knew would be just right
One that would fulfill our dreams
And fill us with delight.

The first born holds a special place
That never can occur again
Parents treasure every "first"
From each burp to gassy grin.

Every day is an adventure
With new wonders to behold
As parents learn the secret joys
Of the little one they hold.

Each day brings new treasures
For the precious baby book
Filled with photos and mementos
Of each special task or look!

Each child He sends is special
Each one hand chosen by God who can see
All our hopes and dreams
And just who each child should be.

He bestows special blessings
On each child He sends to earth
And it is no accident
The order of their birth.

By Thena


enN2sp said...

Next she'll be getting her drivers license:o(

All I have to say about that is that I'm glad I got them before she did!

alli-gal said...

I can't believe Olive_12 is 15!!! I remember when she was born. I was on spring break and out running with my friends, and Dad told me when I got home.

It was exciting...she was the first baby in the family since Liz at that time!!!!

OliveSoul#4 said...

