Monday, March 24, 2008

Children’s Museum Sculpture

Here are the pictures the girls took of the Glass Sculpture at the
Children's Museum 3 weeks ago.

The first three Olive_12 took and the last one TapeEar took.

The girls have a great eye for taking photographs.


enN2sp said...

You might have to click on the picture so you can see it without my background interfering with the images.

sela said...

Cool! I remeber watching that on the news when they were bringing all this glass in. Freakin' amazing!

OliveSoul#4 said...

Ain't the last one cool?! Amanda took it....but I told her to. Heh heh!

alli-gal said...

Those pictures are great!!! Hope it was lots of fun!!

Andrea said...

I wanna melt hot glass and mold it into twisted orbs too!

Dale Chihuly rocks!! Was at the Children's Museum for a networking event and talked to them about the sculpture. They told me there is one guy that travels around the world to clean the Chihuly sculptures - that's his job. Can't imagine how wonderful and exhausting that must be!

Check out his website for other sculptures. Love the one in the boat on the lake at night....Weeeeeooooow!