Saturday, April 5, 2008

HAPPY 16th B'Day Olive_12!!!

5th grade

There are things we'd like to say to you our love on
Her special day:

We are forever thankful God sent you our way.

Like a gift from up above,
you showed us how it is to feel real love.

Yes, we've endured our share of pain,
but together we have so much to gain.

Bigger mountains may lie ahead,
but together there is no hill we cannot tread.

So always remember our love for you,
and there is nothing together we cannot do.

We'll be here forever - our love is true.

The person beside us that would be you.
With love,
Mom & Dad


Andrea said...

Ain't that just sa sweet!

sela said...

You're so lucky to have Olive!

I did something on my blog for her late last night..Happy B-day O-person!

alli-gal said...

Happy Belated Livi!!!!

i can't believe you're sixteen!!! When you gonna start driving?

enN2sp said...

Olive_ 12 is starting drivers ed this summer. she's taking it with a friend.

She really doesn't want to but I told ther she is not waiting 23 years like I did to drive.

OliveSoul#4 said...

Aw! So suck-upish!
Thanks for the mushyness.

enN2sp said...

You are so 16.