Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Need Big Time Prayers for my Uncle!!!!

I don't know if any of you remember my Uncle Frank, he's my mom's little brother.

This was taken almost 19 years ago at my wedding. He doesn't look like this anymore since he's diabetic.

Any way we found out last night that he had his colonoscopy done and they found cancer.

We need every ones prayers.


Andrea said...

Oh goodness....

My boss's mom just came through colon cancer. They found it during a routine colonoscopy. She had to have chemo but she's doing great and is cancer free!

We'll be praying for the same for Uncle Frank. (gosh I can see how you two look alike!)

enN2sp said...

Just an Update:
Found out today that they are going to take a foot of my uncle's colon on maybe the 6th. He has to check with his heart doctor cause 16 years ago he had quadruple bypass surgery. They don't want him to have a heat attack on the table while they're taking a foot of his colon.

So keep him in your prayer. He'll be at St. Joe for the procedure.

enN2sp said...

My Uncle had his surgery on Thursday the 5th. They took 25% (about a foot and a half to 2 feet)of is colon butthey also took a tumor size of a baseball out with the colon. He is recovering well and is on a liquid diet right now. He might be getting out of the hospital on Monday or at the end of the week. If he had his way he would be in there until this coming Thursday.