Saturday, November 15, 2008

My First CDA Course

Some of you might know that I have to take 4 classes to KEEP my job, since it's a govenment run program.

I have to get my CDA that's Child Development Associate.

I just finished my first class called ECED 103 (Early Childhood Education). I cried after the first Saturday Oct. 13th class it was too overwhelming to me. I cried for an hour when I got home, I was thinking how am I going to get through this in six weeks, I haven't been to school for 24 years.

Anyway I have 3 more classes to take we (there are 4 of us having to take this class where I work) we are already signed up for the next class in January. That's going to be every Monday night for 18 weeks (no spring break for us).

We had to sign a paper saying that we have to stay at our jobs for 3 years after taking all these classes or pay the school I work for back. For each class it's $300 that's $12oo altogether. So I guess I'm staying there at least until 2012-2013 year then I can quit my job if I want. I will be 46-47 years old by then.

Well I wanted to show everyone what I got in this first class.

I'm proud of myself getting this done
but it was a _i_c_ getting there.

WOW ! ! !

It's been three months since
I last posted on my blog.
I'm about to add 2.


I missed someone's Birthday. . .

does anyone know who this cute kid is?

It was his Birthday Friday.