Saturday, October 20, 2007


Most of you know that I FINALLY got my drivers license 2 day after Christmas.

Any way I finally got to drive BY MYSELF on Wednesday October 17th for work.
One of my co-workers came up to me and asked me if
I could go to Peru and take some papers to a teacher there and pick up a parent at her apartment.

I told her that I don't know Peru that well I just know how to get to the school and that was it.

She said that the boss would be there in 15 minuets and she would talk to me about it. WELL that never happened, I had to go on the other side of the building to get something and when I came back the receptionist handed me the key and the papers I was to give the teacher in Peru.

She said " take these to the teacher and that the boss was very proud of me and you can leave at 11:15 a.m." This was told to me at 11:09 a.m. I remember because I looked right at the clock when she said the time.
I said I'm going now because if I don't go now I wont have the courage to go then. So I got my jacket and left the building right then.

This is what our vans look like but says "Kokomo-Centers Head Start Program" on the side.

Anyway I pull up at the stop sign and pull out onto Sycamore going toward 31. Thank god I had to stop at the light. I said OUT LOUD (remember, I was by my self) "LORD JESUS BE WITH ME" the light turned green and off I went to Peru.

Everything went well until I got almost to Grissom and there it came beside me A BIG HUGE SEMI. I kept saying to my self go away, go away, go away (I hate semi's even when I'm a passenger) Thank goodness for the last person that drove this van because as that semi went passed the BEATLES came on the radio (I couldn't tell you what song but I knew it was the Beatles) and I was singing along in my head.

WELL I got to the school just fine no accidents no nothing just shaking like a leaf. The teacher and her aid were very surprised to see me by myself they even knew I didn't drive. Then I had to go FIND this parents apartment, they did give me directions. I found her apartment and pick her up, when she got into the van I got to the stop sign of her complex and I asked her if she knew how to drive then told her I haven't drove since 2 day's after Christmas when I got my drivers license. She said "yes i do, do you want me to drive?" I said NO that the boss is making me drive and I need a witness to say that I did drive, besides I don't want you to lie.

We made it safe and sound back to
Sycamore Elementary School/Head Start!
Still shaking but alright.

I called B about a half hour later and told him everything that happened and he said it was good experience for me and right before we hung up he said "Do me a favor and don't do that ever again." I told him I can't promise that I have to do what my boss tells me to do she would not be happy with me if I refused.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I want to ask everyone about your pet peeves in people.

This is my pet peeve it makes me MAD every time I see it.

As you all know I work for a school that deal with 3,4 & 5 year olds, and every time I see a parent bring in their child with their siblings who are about 1 or 2 years old mom seems to think that the baby is okay walking behind them. Not watching if the kid go into another room in the building.

What is worse is when they leave the building and still the baby is walking behind mom, mom not paying attention talking on her cell. Baby still walking WITH OUT a hand to hold.

Well this happened 2 week ago and mom wasn't paying a bit of attention and mom and baby walk out into the circle where the buses come and drop off the kids that go to the school I work at.

A bus is coming and mom turns around and yells at the baby saying "come on you want to get hit by that bus".

Well I was thinking the whole time she said this to the 1 year old baby, If you FREAKIN' held his hand that wouldn't have happened. It would be YOUR fault if your kid got hit by a bus NOT his.

Then a week later we we coming home from our regular Family Friday Night eating out we were going home on Ohio street (I know everyone know the VP on the corner of Ohio and Sycamore) well there is a fence right before you get to the parking lot of the VP. A mom walking to VP with 2 kids I'd say 7 or 8 years old and a baby is at the start of that fence at least a half a block from her and about to walk in on coming traffic she wasn't watching this baby girl at all! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE. If they can't handle the responsibility of holding a toddlers hand then they should keep their legs crossed!!!

This is what it reminds me of. . . .

Mama duck fallowed by the babies.
At least the duck has an excuse

she doesn't have hands or a stroller. >:o{