Monday, October 8, 2007


I want to ask everyone about your pet peeves in people.

This is my pet peeve it makes me MAD every time I see it.

As you all know I work for a school that deal with 3,4 & 5 year olds, and every time I see a parent bring in their child with their siblings who are about 1 or 2 years old mom seems to think that the baby is okay walking behind them. Not watching if the kid go into another room in the building.

What is worse is when they leave the building and still the baby is walking behind mom, mom not paying attention talking on her cell. Baby still walking WITH OUT a hand to hold.

Well this happened 2 week ago and mom wasn't paying a bit of attention and mom and baby walk out into the circle where the buses come and drop off the kids that go to the school I work at.

A bus is coming and mom turns around and yells at the baby saying "come on you want to get hit by that bus".

Well I was thinking the whole time she said this to the 1 year old baby, If you FREAKIN' held his hand that wouldn't have happened. It would be YOUR fault if your kid got hit by a bus NOT his.

Then a week later we we coming home from our regular Family Friday Night eating out we were going home on Ohio street (I know everyone know the VP on the corner of Ohio and Sycamore) well there is a fence right before you get to the parking lot of the VP. A mom walking to VP with 2 kids I'd say 7 or 8 years old and a baby is at the start of that fence at least a half a block from her and about to walk in on coming traffic she wasn't watching this baby girl at all! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE. If they can't handle the responsibility of holding a toddlers hand then they should keep their legs crossed!!!

This is what it reminds me of. . . .

Mama duck fallowed by the babies.
At least the duck has an excuse

she doesn't have hands or a stroller. >:o{


OliveSoul#4 said...

In the words of Tousan:

"MA MA!"


alli-gal said...

that's hands menas no need for excuses!!

alli-gal said...

One of my biggest pet peeves has to do with driving........OK, I actually have a couple.

1. people driving while talking on a cell phone. How many times are you driving near someone and thinking to yourself, "What is this jacka** doing? They can't keep the car in the lines, and they just stopped at that green light," and then you see them as you pass by with their stupid phone stuck in their ear!!!!

2.Also, the left lane of ANY two lane road is supposed to be the fast lane. Even on city streets like Lafountain. If you're in the left lane you shouldn't be driving next to the car in the right lane, you should be going fater than them. But, especially on the highways. When you get someone driving right along side another car, you can literally back traffic up for's ridiculous.

......and this is where the road rage begins..........

Bitzky77 said...

You are right here! That even seems too serious for it to really even be a pet peeve. That's negligence (spelling please?).

Anyway, mine is the lack of turn signals & lack of headlights at sunset. People are like "I know I'm turning." or "Well I don't need my headlights.". The reality is that TURN SIGNALS AND HEADLIGHTS ARE FOR EVERYONE ELSE....NOT YOU. Argh! It's pretty bad in Tampa.

OliveSoul#4 said...

I hate those very giggly preppy people. Quit freakin' laughing! I won't go to the mall just to avoid them.

Andrea said...

How about those people who only leave the glued on piece of toilet paper on the roll? Someone at work does it all the time!!!! We have spare rolls in there, what the heck???

I don't know who does it but it happens WAY too often. How freakin' lazy are they anyway??

OliveSoul#4 said...


alli-gal said...

I prefer mmy toilet paper to roll over the top, not have to be pulled from underneath. That bothers me too, and I'm sure someone has noticed at some point, but I have been known to change a roll around at someone else's house or in public, if it's one of those days..............

sela said...

For real. I about got slammed by this lady talkin' on a cell phone just last week right in front of Woody's.

I had the red light heading out toward my house and she was making a right turn there next to the fire station. She turned right in front of me & we were driving next to each other for a minute before she realized it was me honkin' at her. I was driving the whole way in the turn lane.


To add to the turn signal peeve: How about those who flip on their signal right as they turn? Like you didn't know you were gonna turn 7 seconds ago? Now I gotta wait for all this traffic-THANKS BUDDY!

Andrea said...

I'm with you Alli, it's over the top only and if it's not, whether it's my house, work, a restaurant, the White House...I'm changin it!

Dang people.

Anonymous said...

Jill Anne doubt, it's over the top with the toilet paper.

Also I HATE it when you are following behind a car on a 2 lane road and they turn on their left turn signal to turn into a driveway then almost come to a complete stop to turn even if no one is coming toward them. Hey, dude just slide over to the other lane as you are peparing to turn and don't make me slow down!!!!!!

Andrea said...

Good one Jill Anne...the merge left needs to be taught in driver's ed.

Andrea said...

OH and what's up with those intersections on highways where you have to sit to wait to cross the oncoming traffic. What's so confusing??

If there's a car already sitting there waiting, you pull PAST that car so you have a clear line of sight and then make your turn across the highway.

You don't put them in between you and the oncoming traffic - how the heck are you supposed to see when it's ok to go?

People at the intesection by the Mazda dealership on 31 have NO clue how to use that intersection thing.


Andrea said...

And one more thing....

Do people totally forget how to park in parking lots when it snows just because snow is covering the yellow lines? Or are they idiots in every day life and it's only apparent when it snows???

As dad's mom always said, "you don't park all whopper-jawed just cause it snowed!"

OliveSoul#4 said...

What about posers?
Those people get on my nerves too.

alli-gal said...

Oh....the snow...... You guys should drive through the hospital employee lot sometime in the winter for some free entertainment

something else that bothers me is when someone is driving with their turn signal on, but they're not turning anywhere......Sometimes Ryan will do that if his signal doesn't switch off. I usually try to wait it out as long as possible before I say something to him, but I can only take it for so long.

...then I become the backseat driver.......