Friday, August 8, 2008

Time To Go Back To Work And School

Well school will be back in session next week.

I will start 2 days before the girls do, I start on the 11th then be off Tuesday work Wednesday
and then off again Thursday and Friday.

I guess they don't have the money to pay us for a full week so they only want us to work 2 days (that is what we were told). I can't get parts of the parent hand book translated in 2 days and the menu.

We'll see what happens.

The Girls start back to High School that Wednesday. Olive_12 is going in as a Junior and TapeEar is going in as a Sophomore.

Graduation isn't far off for Olive_12.

Time is flying everybody, next summer I got to find a nice blouse but also in a kind of Emo-Asian look for Olive_12 for her Senior Picture's that are going to cost any where from $250.00 to $1000. 00.

Pitures are expensive!

She might get some pictures done holding a camera.


Andrea said...

Good luck in another school year. Seems like summer vacation just started and it's already over.

We'll find something Olive12 wants to wear for pics. We should probably start looking now though huh?

Have a good week!

enN2sp said...

Well I already know what I'm going to need for work and need to get by Christmas.

We were told yesterday 8/11/ that we are NOT to wear Jeans anymore except on Friday's. I only have 3 pair of Crop pants that aren't jean material that will only last until it gets cold out and a pair of black going out pant (as my dad would say) BUT she said we could wear Colored jeans anything but blue. I help out with paint and get on the floor with these kids I don't want to get them nasty. I think if they want us to dress "Professioanly" they need to pay for our dry claening.
Yeah, I have been looking for some Asian shirts we found one but the only thing is it has short short sleeves. Go here and you’ll see a picture of it.

here's anotherone

The first one I emailed them and they would custom make what ever she wants but I bet it will cost a pretty penny.

Bitzky77 said...

Dang, photos are expensive! Have a good year! High school will be over soon. For me, life got so much better once I graduated HS. Start making your post-graduate plans soon!

sela said...

And what the heck is Emo anyway?!

enN2sp said...

It stands for emotionally disturbed. It's those kids that dress in black all the time and wear black eyeliner(even the boys). They wear those big baggy pants with chains all over.
Olive_12 could explain it better.
I'll have her blog it so all the fam can see waht one looks like.

alli-gal said...

Now I know why Dad wouldn't pay for Senior Pictures for me....I had no idea they cost that much!!!

I have a friend at work who is married to a photographer. Would you like for me to check prices for you??

enN2sp said...

That would be so cool!!!